Born in Ireland with the name Edward Seegar, he was a first mate on a ship that was taken by pirate Captain Winter. Soon afterward he was himself a pirate (a common way for sailor to become pirates. As his way of life became more difficult in the Caribbean, England sailed to Africa, where he was successful and built a fleet of pirate ships.
England was said to be one of the more humane pirate leaders. In 1720, off an island not far from Madagascar, England encountered and attacked two ships of the East India Company. One of the ships fled, but Captain James Macrae’s “Cassandra” stayed to engage Captain England’s force. The battle lasted for hours, even when ships ran aground. Finally, Captain Mecrae was forced to escape to the shore. After ten days evading the pirates searching for him and his men, Captain Macrae marched up to the pirates, stated his name and rank, and demanded the return of his ship and cargo. Many of the pirates wanted to kill him in revenge for their casulites, but England decided to spare him and his crew.
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